Doctoral Consortium

The 13th Annual ICCBR Doctoral Consortium (DC) will take place as part of ICCBR 2021 in Salamanca, Spain. It is designed to nurture PhD candidates by providing them with opportunities to explore and obtain mutual feedback on their research, future work plans, and career objectives with senior CBR researchers, practitioners and peers. We invite submissions from students, as described below. Selected students will be asked to prepare and present an oral presentation at the DC. We also plan for some invited talks or panels from senior CBR researchers or practitioners. Additional social arrangements will be arranged to encourage further conversations with mentors and fellow students.


We encourage participation from all PhD students, whether at the start or towards the end of their PhD candidacy. Participants need to clearly indicate their stage of PhD research. Those who are at the early to midpoint stage of their candidacy and who have not yet received substantial feedback from the greater research community will be paired with a mentor who will advise them on their research trajectory, writing and presentation. Those who are at a later stage in their research will have an opportunity to present their PhD work to date to a group of CBR senior researchers for feedback and advice.


We welcome applications from PhD candidates worldwide. To apply, please submit the following materials, in a single PDF file, via the ICCBR EasyChair submission system (Doctoral Consortium 2021 track):

  • Application Cover Page (max 1 page): This should include your goals for participating in the DC, questions on your research topic or research to date that you may wish to discuss and get advice on, and what you can offer to other DC participants. Please also include (1) the time at which you began your PhD studies, (2) your estimated graduation date, and (3) your supervisory team (if they have been selected) so we don’t assign one of them as your mentor!
  • Research Summary (max 5 pages): This should outline the problem(s) being addressed, the proposed research plan, and a description of progress to date. This short paper must be in ICCBR 2021 LNCS Springer format and include references.
  • Curriculum Vita (max 1 page): This should list the student’s most relevant background, experience (research, education, employment) and publication references (if any).
  • Letter of Recommendation (max 1 page): A written communication from your PhD supervisor including an assessment of the status of the research and an expected date of completion. Non-PhD students are also welcomed to apply, in which case this should be from a suitable adviser (e.g., at their institution).

Note: The Application Cover Page, Research Summary, CV, and supervisor’s support letter should all start on new pages within the same PDF file. Applicants will be notified about whether their Research Summary has been accepted for oral presentation at the DC by July 23, 2021. A final camera-ready version of the Research Summary paper to be presented will be due on August 13, 2021. Accepted applicants are expected to commit to attending all DC activities at the conference.


  • Submission deadline: July 2, 2021 July 16th, 2021
  • Notification date: July 23, 2021 August 6th, 2021
  • Final Camera-Ready Copy due: August 13, 2021 August 20th 2021
  • Doctoral Consortium: September 13, 2020


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